Fees for Services

We provide evidence-based, effective, and affordable mental health support in Christchurch. Individual sessions are 50 minutes and couples sessions are 80 minutes.

Child & Adolescent Psychology (Corrina)* - $190 ($165.22 + GST)

Adult Psychotherapy & Counselling (Lee) - $165 ($143.48 + GST)

Couples Therapy (Corrina & Lee) - $230 ($200.00 + GST)

*WINZ subsidies may be available.

*Gumboot funding may be available to fund the first two sessions for young people under the age of 25 years old.

For more information about our services, click here.

Work and Income New Zealand (WINZ) Disability Allowance

Work and Income (WINZ) subsidises counselling for people of all ages who have a disability or ongoing health condition and need help with the additional costs directly associated with that condition. For up-to-date information, click here or call WINZ on 0800 559 009.